
Book Series and Journal Lists

I curate annotated lists of book series and journals relating to medieval and early modern studies, bibliography, book history, textual studies, and literary history.

Entries include a description of the journal or series, as well as information about the publisher, editor(s), and submission process. If you spot any errors or have additions to suggest, let me know.

The Greatley-Hirsch Hellfish Bonanza

I maintain a catalogue of my modest collection of rare and antiquarian books and manuscripts, named after the tontine in a memorable episode of The Simpsons.

External Resources

Creative Writing

Since its inception, I’ve had the pleasure of designing, laying-out, and typesetting every issue of Tenter Hook, an open-access annual of new writing from the BA English Literature with Creative Writing programme at the University of Leeds.

(Comic) Relief Printing

Handy hints for digitally manipulating early modern woodcuts for fun and profit (see DRE Zazzle Store) or creatively reproducing them as fun linocuts. Coming soon!


Prof Brett Greatley-Hirsch
School of English, University of Leeds
Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, LS2 9JT
United Kingdom
